September 2022 update

This month we have some changes to the image gallery and current energy pages, plus several bug fixes.

New image gallery

We've implemented a new and less annoying image upload feature:

New current energy page

Again, this looks pretty similar to the old page - but under the hood it's totally different code. We've provided side-by-side comparisons on the bar charts between baseline and current use, and improved the alignment and visual appearance of the table, with the numbers lining up nicely in columns.

We do have plans to align the reporting in the app with the reporting in the report – but this is something we'll be looking at closer in 2023.

"Carbon Co-op"-style appliances bug fix

We discovered a set of related bugs in the Carbon Co-op appliances calculations that together led to space heating demand (SHD) being higher than it should be. In the majority of affected assessments, the overestimate was between 1% and 5%, though in some it was more significant. (In many assessments this behaviour was not triggered at all.)

In keeping with our backwards compatibility policy for building model changes, projects started before this bug was fixed will retain their old calculations, but new projects will use the fixed version.

Smaller bug fixes

Coming soon

We'll have the new floor u value calculator ready hopefully in October - we'll post about that when it goes live.